You Have To Know

Apostle's Meditations

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ: – Ephesians 1:3

How often do you confess things like: I am rich, I am prosperous, I am out of debt?

If you don’t do it often, I want you to make a point to start immediately. You see, when the serpent tricked Eve, he tricked her into going after something she already had. She didn’t know that whatever she thought the fruit of that tree would give her, was already hers plus much more.

You’re already rich. You’re already out of debt. You’re already prosperous. But, the error we have made is trying to do God’s part when He has already fulfilled His part. For example, we take Matthew 6:33, (But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these…

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Do You Know This Grace?

Apostle's Meditations

For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich. – 2 Corinthians 8:9

Here, the Apostle Paul is talking about the grace to be rich. The apostle Paul was called the apostle of grace.  He came in teaching that God already had done it

Grace is not what you say over your food. Grace is a gift that says that God has already done whatever it is that you need Him to do. When you got born again, you were born into a prosperous family with an inheritance. As soon as you came into the family of God, all that God has, all that God can do, belonged to you.

Religion and religious rituals have taught us that our performance is what causes God to move on our behalf…

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Prosperous Advice

Come To Grips

Apostle's Meditations

Stop being mesmerized by expensive things as if they are out of your class. To be out of your class, it has to be out of God’s class. Now, it might not be time for you to go to that grade, but the grade is there.

Don’t let people dangle stuff in your face because you’re a church member. You can have whatever you want. You’re the very brother or sister that should have it. Stop letting them dangle this stuff in your face as if you’re handicapped because you’re a child of God. You’re handicapped with religion and ritual not because God is holding things back from you.

Stop making excuses for your level of living. There’s something you’re missing. It’s a turn you missed. There’s a signal you’re missing. You need to watch for the signal because there’s a certain time God has to promote you if…

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Accept Your Inheritance

Many accept the world having large money but not the Christian.

Apostle's Meditations

The work of God’s Kingdom on earth calls for large money. This means that the work that God has called you to do for Him on the earth calls for you to have large money. You see, large money is what was used to prevent the resurrection of Jesus Christ from being spread. Matthew 28:12-13 says, And when they were assembled with the elders, and had taken counsel, they gave large money unto the soldiers, Saying, Say ye, His disciples came by night, and stole him away while we slept.

Large money is still being used to influence the world. That’s why God needs and desires His own children to have large money to spread the Gospel. Your thinking must switch. It’s not about whether you can have it or if something is stopping you from having large money. It’s about you having faith for large money. You must expect…

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Apostle's Meditations

Sowing will pull down all financial giants in your life! Look at your current financial situations. Whatever notes or bills you have may seem like giants. Maybe you are so far behind that it is hard to imagine the end.

Good news! I want to let you know that the seed is like that slingshot in David’s hand –  It will kill all of your Goliath’s!

Look at that note or your mortgage, whatever your largest bill is, may look like a giant. But, just like God gave David the wisdom and the ability to defeat Goliath, God has given you that same wisdom and ability through your seed.

I know this for a fact! I had a 30-year mortgage and God enabled me to pay it off completely in just three years. God also enabled me to pay off my jet right before a  large balloon note was applied…

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Frame Your Prosperity

Apostle's Meditations

Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear. – Hebrews 11:3

Many years ago I wrote a book called, “Framing Your World With the Word of God.” But, the Holy Spirit recently revealed to me that that we can frame our prosperity with the Word of God.

You have a creative nature on the inside of you because you are made in the image and likeness of God. Your most dominant thoughts, along with everything you do and the words you speak, are creating the world in which you experience. This is why it is so important to renew your mind with the Word of God so that the things that you create are in line with what God wants you to create.

Lack, limitation, and never having enough are…

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